Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Sunshine Award.

The Sunshine Award.

Ik heb net een toekenning, The Sunshine Award gekregen van Ana @ Hella Heaven

" To see what is in front of one's nose requires a constant struggle." George Orwell

Regels van de toekenning:

1 - De persoon die de toekenning heeft gegeven bedanken.
2- Vertel iets over jezelf.
3 – Geeft het aan 10 andere bloggers.
4 - En laat hen het weten.

Ana bedankt voor deze mooie toekenning, ik waardeer het zeer, ik zal het doorgeven aan andere blogs.
Ik hou niet van regels.
Ik kon mij niet tot tien blogs beperken.

Hier zijn de blogs, die ik deze toekenning wil geven:

Donna @ Arranging Shoes: thoughts from a wonky walk girl who had a bean in her brain

Carole @ Carole’s Blog: The MS Roller Coaster. A ride that never ends.

Cathy @ Dare To Think: A haven for dreams, ideas, rest

Mitch @ Enjoying the Ride

I have Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis and sit in an iBOT wheelchair all day. So why do I lead such a contented life?

Webster @  halt stop forget relax

Living a life with MS. This is a place where I say what I want; I can criticize, be rude, and fart out loud if I need to. I can and will get pissed at my MS, but prefer to work along with him. Usually I am well-mannered and gracious and behave myself. So do come in and ride along with me.

Andy @ Jughead's Baltimore Blog, Our Life With Multiple Sclerosis

These are the things that make me scratch my head and say "Whaaaaaa"?
Janis @ Just Breath

Cathy John@ Licking the Honey

LIVING life with Multiple Sclerosis

Maryann @ MS and Me

Stacey @ Multiple Sclerosis & Me

MS: Multiple Sclerosis, My Story... I am a Trinidadian; I will use lots of Trini slang/words and will explain as I go but lime=hang out; i will use that a helluva lot!
Nicole @ My New Normals…..looking for normal.

Cubanrick @ mylifeonMarS

I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2010. I'm currently on disability and I'm housebound. I'm trying to deal with daily life and bringing you along on my journey
Frank @ Quest
Quest is an editorial blog on politics, gay rights, disability rights and life issues. In an effort to lighten things up, Quest is peppered from time-to-time with pop-culture.
Rhapsody @ Rhapsody Phoenix Authentic Expressions

Stephany @ soulful sepulcher

I am on a journey. Take a walk with me. Life is short. So stand tall. "Always go too far, because that's where you'll find the truth."~Camus
The Unconventional View

Mike @ This is my life and all that goes with it!

This is for when I have something to say but nobody to say it to. I suffer from MS and Diabetes as well as an insane addiction to coffee. I am who I am and nothing more. I hope you find something here that interests you and if not then let me know what does and I will see what I can do.

Mary @ Travelogue for the Universe

A rambling train of thoughts about the universe and our micro solar system consisting of our dear Sun and other planets in a magnetic dance while we hurtle through space on the face of a rock and stare at flat screens where we attempt to connect while we detach.
Lucy @ What Life Is About

Robin @ Wheelchair Bird aka. Robin Oliverio ~ Cauda Equina Syndrome~ Physical Challenges~

For people who live with Challenges that may or may not involve living with Mobility Issues,Cauda Equina Syndrome,Chronic Pain, MS,& all disabilities. If you or your loved One has physical challenges you can relate to postings here regardless of what the diagnosis may be.

Chekoala @ ... .... Wobbly teetering blogging

... ... ... ... things you don't notice are much better to have working ... ... until the shoe is not on the other foot

Sherry @ Word Salads or the Demyelination of Me

Living single with multiple sclerosis and the loss of a child

Rei @ NecROSEphelia

We're the lost children can you hear us calling? Voices of doom echoing in your head... We're the lost children can you hear us singing, songs of despair we're infecting your soul..

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